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Experimenting Generator Usage with Large Sized Files in Python

We always read that generators are memory friendly. It is not recommended to load a large sized file into memory because it can cause memory leak problem. I wanted to experiment this issue.

What we are going to learn?

  1. How memory gets affected when we load a large sized file (Mine is 837 MB) ?
  2. What happens when we have limited memory if large file is loaded?
  3. How can we use generators to write memory friendly code?

What we need to experiment ?

  1. Docker
  2. Large sized txt file (I do have a simple script to generate if you dont have.)

  3. Let's create a directory mkdir pylab

  4. Let's continue by creating a super simple Dockerfile for python.
FROM python:3.12.4-slim


COPY . .

Files & Folders

  • Let's see what we have in pylab
    ├── Dockerfile
    ├── largefile.txt # my large sized file
    └── # python file to generate large file
    0 directories, 3 files

Without Docker you can to this experiment but I will be limiting our container to blow up memory as well.

Experimenting Starts

1. Build Docker Image and Run The Container

  • Run following command to build the image (in the pylab directory)
    # cd pylab
    docker build -t py-playground .
  • py-playground is our image name
  • . means current directory!

  • We built the image and now its time to run the image (py-playground)

    docker run --rm --name experiment-generators -it --entrypoint bash py-playground

  • --rm : removes the stopped container when we also exit from the container.
  • --name OUR-CONTAINER-NAME: to give a name for our container
  • --entrypoint bash : to run bash in the container
  • more -> docker run --help

Above command should navigate you following (your container id may be different)

- Let's see what we have in our container
root@319cc9645884:/app# ls -alhS
total 837M
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 837M Oct  1 05:54 largefile.txt
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K Oct  1 08:47 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K Oct  1 08:59 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  377 Oct  1 07:43
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  138 Oct  1 06:04 .dockerignore
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   48 Oct  1 07:49 Dockerfile

2. Display Container Stats

  • Open a new terminal
  • Before running python shell let's run the docker stats command in the new terminal

    docker stats

  • Output

    CONTAINER ID   NAME                    CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT   MEM %     NET I/O       BLOCK I/O   PIDS
    319cc9645884   experiment-generators   0.00%     852KiB / 7.668GiB   0.01%     1.09kB / 0B   0B / 0B     1

  • Go back to docker container terminal and run the python shell

    root@319cc9645884:/app# python
    Python 3.12.4 (main, Aug  1 2024, 21:12:58) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

  • Let's see dockert stats again in other terminal
    CONTAINER ID   NAME                    CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %     NET I/O       BLOCK I/O       PIDS
    319cc9645884   experiment-generators   0.00%     11.92MiB / 7.668GiB   0.15%     1.16kB / 0B   778kB / 872kB   2

Memory Usage 1

Before After
852 KiB 11.92 MiB
  • Go back to python terminal and open the file and readlines
# in the python container

Python 3.12.4 (main, Aug  1 2024, 21:12:58) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> o = open("largefile.txt", "r")# 1. open the file in reading mode
>>> content = o.readlines() # read all lines and assign to content variable, loaded into memory!
  • Check the docker stats again in other terminal
CONTAINER ID   NAME                    CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %     NET I/O       BLOCK I/O        PIDS
319cc9645884   experiment-generators   0.00%     6.796GiB / 7.668GiB   88.63%    1.23kB / 0B   243MB / 17.3MB   2

Remember largefile.txt is 837 MB

Memory Usage 2

Before After
852 KiB 11.92 MiB
11.92 MiB 6.769 GiB
  • As we can see that loading all the file content into memory is inefficient

  • Let's free our memory by deleting the reference content and then python garbage collector will do its job.

    # >>> o = open("largefile.txt", "r")
    # >>> content = o.readlines()
    >>> del content

Memory Usage 3

Before After
852 KiB 11.92 MiB
11.92 MiB 6.769 GiB
6.769 GiB 62.93 MiB

What are the efficient ways to read file?

We can loop over the file object to read file content fast and efficiently.

>>> def read_10_lines(fileobject):
...     counter = 0
...     for line in fileobject:
...         print(line, end='')
...         counter +=1
...         if counter > 10:
...             break
>>> o = open("largefile.txt", "r")
>>> read_10_lines(o)
>>> o.close()

Memory Usage 4

Memory Stats Before After
docker stats 852 KiB 11.92 MiB
docker stats 11.92 MiB 6.769 GiB
docker stats 6.769 GiB 62.93 MiB
docker stats 62.93 MiB 64.6 MiB
  • Example generator usage
def process_data(lines):
    """process the lines data"""

def filegenerator(fileobj, chunk=1024):
    fileobj -- instance of file object
    chunk -- how many items will be processed
    while True:
        lines = fileobj.readlines(chunk)
        if not lines:
        yield lines

with open("largefile.txt", "r") as fileobj:
    lines = filegenerator(fileobj, chunk=2**16) # 2^16 is 65536 